Bangchak Executive Highlights the Keys to Crisis Communication Principles: Navigating the Digital Age with Proactiveness, Preparedness, Transparency, and Agility"

30 Jan 2025

Mrs. Gloyta Nathalang, Senior Executive Vice President, Sustainability Management and Corporate Communications, Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited accepted an invitation to speak on "Crisis Management and Communication" at the 29th Insurance Seminar: Emerging Risk Management: Challenges for the Insurance Business in the Next Decade. Dr. Somporn Suebthawilkul, President, Thai General Insurance Association, delivered the opening address at the seminar, which was attended by over 300 managing directors, board members, senior executives from insurance companies, related agencies, and the media. The Thai General Insurance Association organized the hybrid seminar at the Chatrium Grand Hotel Bangkok.

Bangchak Executive Highlights the Keys to Crisis Communication Principles: Navigating the Digital Age with Proactiveness, Preparedness, Transparency, and Agility"

Mrs. Gloyta discussed the evolution of the media landscape, from traditional channels to modern platforms, highlighting the significant role of social media and digital platforms in providing immediate access to news. She outlined key communication principles for normal and crisis situations, including effective strategies, preparations, and best practices. She stressed the importance of "being proactive " to manage potential emergencies, "being prepared" to communicate with professional clarity, and maintaining "transparency," sincerity, openness, and structured planning. "Agility" is needed to respond to various situations effectively. To enhance expertise and ensure that those responsible for communication clearly understand their roles and responsibilities, she underscored the importance of training and practical learning from past experiences to better prepare for the future.

