True Corporation Wins Two "UN Women 2024 Thailand WEPs Awards" for Leadership Commitment and Gender-Inclusive Workplace, Promoting Gender Equality and Empowering Women

15 Oct 2024

Another milestone in creating the "Best Place to Work", True Corporation's talented female leader, Ms. Sarinra Wongsuppalak (left), Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) of True Corporation Plc, a role model for leading the organization towards gender equality and women empowerment, received two prestigious regional Asia-Pacific awards of the "UN Women 2024 Thailand WEPs Awards". These comprise 1. Leadership Commitment Award - for supporting gender equality presented by Mrs. Suda Sulong (right), Deputy Director-General of the Department of Women's Affairs and Family Development, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and 2. Honorable Mention for Gender-Inclusive Workplace Award presented by Ms. Katja Freiwald (right), Regional Lead Women's Economic Empowerment and Migration UN Women Asia and the Pacific. The awards ceremony was part of the 2024 WEPs Awards organized by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) with support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) of the Australian Government, together with local key women's economic empowerment drivers, namely, Thai Listed Companies Association, the Office of SMEs Promotion, the Securities and Exchange Commission Thailand, the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the UN Global Compact Network Thailand. The awards honor executives and organizations with exemplary practices in promoting gender equality and empowering women in the business sector, following the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs).

True Corporation Wins Two "UN Women 2024 Thailand WEPs Awards" for Leadership Commitment and Gender-Inclusive Workplace, Promoting Gender Equality and Empowering Women

Ms. Sarinra Wongsuppalak, Chief Human Resources Officer of True Corporation Plc, said "At True Corporation, we believe that empowering women is not only the right thing to do but also a smart strategy. As a Thai tech company, we are committed to fostering sustainable growth through the continuous promotion of gender equality and women's empowerment within our organization. We place great emphasis on cultivating a corporate culture that embraces diversity and provides equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of gender, to grow together. Following the True-dtac merger, our workforce has become even more diverse across all dimensions. Promoting gender equality and valuing women's potential has always been a key part of our human resources management and our ongoing commitment to respecting human rights."

"True Corporation has established clear policies and initiatives to promote women's empowerment within the organization. For example, we actively support increasing the representation of women in key roles, including setting a target for at least 30% of the company's board to be women. We currently have 38% of our employees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) roles as women, exceeding our goal of 35%. Additionally, 56% of female employees hold executive positions in revenue-generating departments, surpassing our target of 50%. We also focus on developing women's abilities and enhancing their skills through various training programs to support their career growth. Moreover, recognizing the importance of family, the unique challenges women face in entering the workforce, and their responsibilities as mothers, True has introduced policies and benefits to support women. These include a maternity leave policy of six months (180 days) with full pay, exceeding legal requirements, and providing flexible working hours based on individual needs, as well as creating breastfeeding rooms. As a result of these gender equality initiatives, 87% of women have returned to work after using their maternity or parental leave. In addition, the company has established the 'Bring Your Best Club', a community where employees can voice their opinions and share perspectives to drive change and develop inclusive human resources policies that better understand the diverse needs of the workforce. This award is a significant encouragement for True to continue advancing the organization, making it the 'Best Place to Work' - a workplace that supports gender equality and is recognized as one of the best places to work," concluded Ms. Sarinra.

