InsightEra shares trends and five strategies to win 'Gen Z', highlighting 'MarTech' as a key weapon used by brands and businesses in digital era at DigiTech ASEAN Thailand 2023.

27 Nov 2023

Ms. Nareerat Saetiew, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of InsightEra Co., Ltd., revealed that "Gen Z consumers in Thailand, aged between 11-26 years (born from 1997-2012), totaling 13 million, are becoming a focal point for marketers as they are on track to be representing the majority of the people and the main consumers in the market. According to Hakuhodu Global, today, the 'Gen Z' group in ASEAN countries accounts for approximately 24% of the entire population. Looking deeper, the 'Gen Z' group represents diverse age groups, from small children to adult workers. This generation is considered crucial and influential in driving Thailand's society and economy as well as global market changes.

InsightEra shares trends and five strategies to win 'Gen Z', highlighting 'MarTech' as a key weapon used by brands and businesses in digital era at DigiTech ASEAN Thailand 2023.

'Gen Z' is also known as 'Digital Native' as they are the first group of people who are growing up with the Internet, social media, and smartphones. They are specialized in using new and diversified technologies, smart in searching for what they want quickly, and having different approaches than other generations when it comes to making decisions.

By using InsightEra's Marketing Technology (MarTech) to collect data and analyze Gen Z behaviors, We learned that 'Gen Z' is showing interest in the importance of 'hustle,' 'personalization and authenticity,' 'hyperconnected and visual communication,' 'socially conscious,' and 'diversity and multiculturalism.'

As a service provider of End-to-End Marketing Technology & Services, aiming at providing insightful analysis of all aspects of marketing data to form strategies, measure results with more accuracy, etc., InsightEra found that 'Gen Z' people commonly use visuals and videos as media materials. This finding is consistent with YouGov's finding that the most popular social media platforms among 'Gen Z' are Youtube, Facebook, and TikTok.

InsightEra also revealed that there are five key strategies to communicate with 'Gen Z' to win their mind
on social media as follows:

1. Leverage Social Media Stories
'Gen Z' people love to share their own stories using pictures posted on IG Stories, focusing on fun and trendy issues. This trend is in line with HubSpot's finding that 72% of 'Gen Z' people regularly use IG and share their photos on IG Stories. These posts are typically receiving 15-25% more swipe-up engagements, compared to a normal post. Content that draws most people's attention would be something funny, relatable, trendy, authentic/behind the scenes, and interactive.

2. Create Engaging Video Content
More than 54.8% of 'Gen Z' prefer short video clips (with lengths of 15-60 seconds.) Popular content would be MV, funny viral clips, and games (according to TikTok.)

3. Collaborate with Micro-Influencers
According to Gen Z Insights, more than 68% of 'Gen Z' people rely on suggestions provided by nano/micro-influencers, rather than mainstream influencers, when making decisions relating to buying products. This is especially the case when it comes to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

4. Optimize for Mobile
According to 'We Are Social,' about 95.3% of the users in Thailand accessed the Internet and social media through mobile phones at an average 5 hours per day. According to Google's Page Speed Insights, 53% of the mobile phone users cancelled their visits to websites that had a downloading time of more than 3 seconds. Hence, brands would want to design content, visuals, and text fonts, to be suitable for screen audience so that the downloading time is shortened to less than 3 seconds.

5. Adopt User - Generated Content/Challenges
According to TikTok, it was found that more than 90% of the brands entering the 'Branded Hashtag Challenge' tended to gain four times higher consumer recognition and brand awareness.

From the above, 'Gen Z' consumers are likely to buy goods online more than other generations. So, this indicates great opportunities for entrepreneurs and marketers, both B2C and B2B, to use Marketing Technology (MarTech), especially a so-called "Social Listening" tool, to help collect and analyze data relating to behaviors and wats of different groups of consumers. This will help brands to understand their customers' needs more efficiently, be able to formulate plans or expect trends or directions to penetrate respective markets or reach target groups, and offer solutions that respond to 'Gen Z" needs, enabling businesses to boost sales and ongoing business growth amid ever-changing consumer behaviors," concluded Ms. Nareerat.

