National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue visited and spoke at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

08 Dec 2023

According to the Vietnam News Agency special envoy, on the morning of December 8, in Bangkok, within the framework of the official visit to Thailand, Chairman of the National Assembly, Professor, Dr. Vuong Dinh Hue visited and gave an important speech at the Chulalongkorn University. This is one of the most prestigious and oldest universities in Thailand, with a tradition of more than 100 years, a place to "incubate" many generations of talent from Thailand and many countries around the world.

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue visited and spoke at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Also attending the event were First Vice Chairman of the Thai House of Representatives Padipat Suntiphada, members of the high-ranking Vietnamese National Assembly delegation; President of Chulalongkorn University, Bundhit Eua-Aporn and about 300 delegates who are scholars, experts, students and Thai media agencies.

Speaking at the event, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue emphasized that Vietnam and Thailand are two long-standing neighbors. The similarities that the two countries share, and the common desire for peace, independence, and self-reliance, are the natural glue that binds the two peoples, a sustainable foundation for the continued development of the two countries' relationship.

According to National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, the international community is facing an important moment, related to a vital issue for the destiny of all humanity: war and peace. The spiral of conflict and escalating violence in many regions of the world still causes much suffering, claiming the lives of more than half a million innocent people. The risk of conflict is growing as strategic competition between major countries and the rise of powerism and selfish nationalism threaten international law and erode the effectiveness of multilateral institutions, promoting the arms race in many parts of the world. "That is why, maintaining peace, repelling and preventing war and conflict has become an urgent requirement. Peace and stability are the foundation for sustainable development.

Affirming that Vietnam is deeply aware that the future of Vietnam is closely tied to peace, stability, cooperation and development of the region and the whole world, the National Assembly Chairman also said that in order to have peace, long-term and sustainable peace, all countries, including Vietnam and Thailand, ASEAN member countries, have the responsibility to contribute to promoting dialogue and cooperation; respect the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law, including the peaceful resolution of disputes and not using or threatening to use force. This is a matter of survival today and is also our responsibility to future generations.

Appreciating Thailand's role and contribution in the process of formation and development of ASEAN, the National Assembly Chairman said that in the new context, building a strong, united, cohesive and resilient ASEAN Community, Playing a central role in the regional structure, having good relations with partners outside the region, is a priority orientation of the Vietnam - Thailand strategic partnership.

Regarding Vietnam - Thailand relations, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue affirmed that Vietnam always values and wishes to further strengthen the attachment, trust and strategic partnership between Vietnam and Thailand. Promoting the great cooperation achievements of nearly 50 years, it is time for the two countries to work together to upgrade relations in the coming time.

To further develop the strategic partnership between the two countries more deeply and comprehensively, the Chairman of the National Assembly stated 5 proposals:

First, enhance political trust and security and defense cooperation. It is necessary to promote practical and effective cooperation on all channels: Party, State, Parliament and between people. Promote the effectiveness of existing cooperation mechanisms and agreements, especially joint Cabinet meetings; Establish new cooperation mechanisms based on promoting the strengths and advantages of both countries and enhancing mutual complementarity.

Second, the two countries face a great opportunity to bring Vietnam - Thailand economic cooperation to a new stage of development, with new levels and new thinking, in which our two countries are more united and closer, more and more creative with the motto "trust, responsibility, sincerity, win-win cooperation, mutual benefit and mutual progress". On the one hand, it is necessary to continue to cooperate, support and complement each other, overcome disadvantages, and strengthen the capacity and strength of each country; at the same time, promoting similar strengths, creating synergy, creating strong values and brands, enhancing the position of the two countries in the world market, bringing practical benefits to localities, the business communities and people of both countries.

Third, strengthen economic integration and effectively implement the "Three Connections" Strategy. Take advantage and effectively take advantage of the shifting trend of global production and supply chains to strengthen the connection of supply chains; renew existing supply chains, cooperate to form new supply chains that are strategic and have high added value in areas where both sides have potential, including agriculture, aiming to become a factor important to ensure global food security. Strive to bring bilateral trade turnover to 25 billion USD soon in a more balanced direction; expand investment between the two countries. Promote connection between the two economies on the basis of "mutual benefit, win-win", especially connecting small and medium-sized enterprises and localities of the two countries. Collaborate to effectively deploy Vietnam's Green Growth Strategy to 2030 and Thailand's Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model to create new momentum for growth and make practical contributions to urgent issues.

Fourth, promote cooperation in tourism, culture, education and people-to-people exchanges. Promoting the value of Uncle Ho's relics in Thailand as symbols of friendship and cooperation between the two countries. Strengthen tourism connections under the framework of "two countries, one destination" to effectively exploit the tourism potential and strengths of both countries. Promoting the effectiveness and expanding the fields of cooperation of the 19 pairs of twinned provinces and cities between the two countries, while promoting the formation of new pairs of twinned localities. Continue to create favorable conditions for teaching Thai and Vietnamese and establish language and education centers in each country. Promoting the active role of the Vietnamese community in Thailand in cultivating solidarity and connection between the people of the two countries.

Fifth, promote multilateralism and international solidarity, strengthen close coordination within multilateral cooperation frameworks.

To realize the above-mentioned orientations, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue stated that the Vietnamese National Assembly wishes to promote comprehensive and effective cooperation with the Thai Parliament, promoting its role as both a foreign policy channel bringing It has both a State character and a deeply People's character, contributing to bringing Vietnam - Thailand relations increasingly deeper, substantive and effective.

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue affirmed that the Vietnamese National Assembly will continue to coordinate closely in multilateral cooperation frameworks, such as the World Parliamentary Union and the ASEAN Parliamentary Union, to jointly cultivate friendship, solidarity with the people of ASEAN countries and people around the world. At the same time, continue to effectively deploy existing cooperation mechanisms between the two parliaments, with the focus being the Cooperation Agreement between the two countries' Parliaments that was just signed on the occasion of this visit; continue to accompany the governments of the two countries in perfecting institutions and policies, creating new momentum for the Vietnam - Thailand Strategic Partnership.

Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue emphasized that Vietnam - Thailand relations are at the best period in the history of relations between the two countries. The traditional friendship, strong bond, and mutually beneficial cooperation between Vietnam and Thailand have overcome many ups and downs of history, and are increasingly bearing fruit, for a future of peace, happiness, and prosperity of the two peoples, for a united, strong ASEAN Community and a world of peace, stability, cooperation and sustainable development.

Immediately after the policy statement, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue spent time discussing with experts, scholars and students about the prospects of Vietnam-Thailand relations, including upgrading bilateral relations, the role of Vietnam and Thailand in ASEAN and in sub-regional cooperation. The National Assembly Chairman affirmed that with the achievements and roles of both countries in ASEAN, in a volatile world like today, Vietnam-Thailand relations are ripe for upgrade in the near future. "The future, the vision we have. The most important thing is the determination of the two countries' governments and people."

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue visited and spoke at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
