My Myanmar - Painting exhibition by Khin Zaw Latt

04 Aug 2010

Bangkok--4 Aug--TQPR

My Myanmar

Painting exhibition by Khin Zaw Latt

La Lanta Fine Art

August 7 – September 7, 2010

La Lanta Fine Art is very pleased to announce Khin Zaw Latt’s first solo exhibition in Thailand featuring his renowned “crowd” series and “Buddha” series.

Born and live in Myanmar, Khin Zaw Latt reflects on the ordinary scene of local commuters getting on the ferry after a long day of hard work. The flow of the crowd seems to him a mass of one object which sends out a felling of oppression. The more he observes the crowd, the more he notices the individuals; their hope and their beauty. With dramatic rendering of stark light and shadow, Khin Zaw Latt portrays the mix emotions of tough lives and hope.

In his Buddha series, Khin Zaw Latt depicts the face of the lord Buddha as if he is a human being. He is inspired by the story of the Buddha’s life, his strive to defy human’s desire and his teachings that still affect way of lives of millions. He combines painterly wash with stamping technique and roller, creating serene and glorious impressions from a flat canvas.

Despite his young age, Khin Zaw Latt’s talent has earned him prestigious awards and international reputation. He earned the first prize in Myanmar Contemporary Art Award in 2008. His work was nominated and selected as finalist in 2009 Sovereign Art Award and in 2010 his artwork was featured and warmly welcomed by seasoned art collectors in Sotheby’s Auction in Hong Kong. His work has been exhibited in and represented by major galleries in Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, San Francisco, Washington, and Palm Beach; USA.

Please join La Lanta Fine Art to welcome Khin Zaw Latt in this first exhibition in Thailand at the artist reception on Saturday, August 7 at 5 pm to 7 pm.

The exhibition continues to be on display until September 7. Opening hours Tues. to Sat. 10 am – 7 pm. Closed on Monday.

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