Bangkok--20 Apr--eTurboNews
IIPT President, Louis DAmore announced today that His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President, Republic of Uganda will declare the week of the 4th IIPT African Conference, May 20 to 25, National Peace through Tourism Week. President Museveni will personally officiate at the Conference Opening Ceremony as Patron of the Conference. Ugandas Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry is host of the Conference being organized in support of the U.N. Decade of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, and the UN Millennium Development Goals.
The Presidents Proclamation of National Peace through Tourism Week will highlight the fact that Travel and Tourism is a worldwide social and cultural phenomenon engaging peoples of all nations as hosts and guests, and as such is one of humanitys truly global activities. Further, that as the worlds largest industry - generating one in every eleven jobs - contributes to wealth creation and sustainable economic development which fosters peace. The growth rate of tourism to Africa has been greater than any other region of the world in the past five years, and forecasts indicate that Africa will continue to outperform other regions of the world in the years ahead, with Uganda being a leader in growth of travel to Africa.
National Peace through Tourism Week will feature public events aimed at creating increased awareness to the importance of tourism to the continued and sustained socio-economic development of Uganda and its key role in fostering international understanding among peoples of the world.
Center-piece of National Peace through Tourism Week will be the 4th IIPT African Conference, being organized in partnership with the UN World Tourism Organization, World Bank, United Nations Environment Program, and Africa Travel Association, and bringing together leaders of the industry from countries throughout Africa as well as Europe, North America and the Caribbean. Theme of the Conference is:
Building Strategic Alliances for Sustainable Tourism Development,
Peace and Reconciliation on the African Continent.
Conference goals are to identify new markets in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Caribbean; facilitate product development and investment opportunities; broaden awareness - and commitment, to the social, cultural, environmental, and economic benefits of tourism; and contribute to reconciliation, peace, and sustained wealth creation on the African continent. With the participation of Bermuda Premier Dr. Ewart F. Brown, JP, MP as a Keynote Speaker, an additional focus of the Conference will be in support of the Africa Diaspora Heritage Trail (ADHT) and the building of long term relationships of tourism, friendship and collaboration among African nations - and nations of the Africa Diaspora in regions throughout the world. Bermuda has pioneered and promoted the ADHT since 2001.
The 4th IIPT African Conference will include the first ever Africa Media Exchange (A-MEx) being organized in partnership with Counterpart International. The aim of A-MEx is to develop communication strategies actions - and commitments, leading to a more balanced and positive image of Africa its lands, its cultures, and its peoples in regions throughout the world.
The Conference will bring together Ministers of Tourism and senior executives from both the public and private sectors of tourism, NGOs, and donor agencies, as well as educators, policy analysts, leading practitioners, entrepreneurs, future leaders of the industry, and senior representatives of related sectors including environment, culture and economic development.
Journalists are invited to go to to apply for media credentials for the 4th IIPT African Conference and participation in the first ever African Media Exchange, or contact Ms. Karen Hoffman, Director, IIPT Public Relations at email [email protected] .